Attached Hospital to BKL Walawalkar Rural Medical College

Attached Hospital to BKL Walawalkar Rural Medical College

“B.K.L. Walawalkar Hospital” is located at about 16 Km from Chiplun on the Mumbai-Goa highway in the village of Dervan.

Walawalkar Hospital Campus

The hospital is of 810 beds capacity. It is a multispecialty hospital with all modern medical services available under one roof. All the operation theatres are air-conditioned and include laparoscope, image intensifiers, different types of monitors & ventilators. These operation theatres handle a range of surgeries including simple procedures for treatment of hernia to complicated ones like that for knee replacement, spine surgeries, and Cancer surgeries.

The hospital has super-specialty services in identified areas which includes Urology, Nephrology, Oncology and Radiation unit. Well-equipped pathology includes histopathology, haematology, microbiology,Blood bank and component laboratory is also available.

Click here to go on the website for BKL Walawalkar Hospital.

Konkan region in Maharashtra has villages located at far off distances in between hills and valleys and health care remains largely inaccessible. This region has inadequate health facilities, illiteracy, poverty, poor health awareness, misconceptions due to blind faith and inaccessibility with scare transportation services. Till recently, patients traveled to Mumbai (which is 250 kms away) for medical treatment. The population in this region belongs to socio-economically disadvantaged group; and availing medical care in cities includes travel and accommodation cost which remains largely unaffordable. Hence to reach the most difficult to reach with good medical care, the Shree Vitthalrao Joshi Charities Trust established the B.K.L.Walawalkar Hospital in Ratnagiri district in 1996.

Oncology Wing in collaboration with Tata Memorial Centre

BKL Walawalkar Hospital has established itself as a State of Art Cancer Centre providing all Oncology Services Under One Single Roof for the ultimate benefit of Humanity.

Need to do something for Cancer patients of Konkan region was recognized by Tata Memorial Centre, which is the largest oncology centre in the whole of South – East Asia. An appropriate partner was found by Tata Memorial Centre in the form of B.K.L Walawalkar Hospital Diagnostic and Research Centre. B.K.L Walawalkar Hospital had all the necessary background, infrastructure, human resources, social commitment and support of trustees, which made the institution eligible for a strategic partnership with Tata Memorial Centre for Oncology Care. Click here to read more.

Visits of Medical and Biomedical Students from abroad.

Students from various countries like Spain, U.S.A. and Germany come here every year for doing the clinical clerkship. The advantages of doing Internship here are many eg. a variety of ailments can be treated, differences in the rural & urban health awareness & realities can be observed first-hand. Click here to read more.

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