Doctors and Nurses from New Castle (U.K) visited BKL Walawalkar Hospital for Surgical Camp for 10th Consicutive Year.
David A. Warrell
Emeritus Professor of Tropical Medicine, University of Oxford
Dear Mr Walawalkar,
This is to thank you for facilitating my visit to Dervan, 9-11th November. After meeting you and Dr Suvarna Patil at CMC Vellore in February, I was very keen to visit the famous BK Walawalkar Hospital.
Many thanks to your staff for meeting me off the flight and taking me to Ramee Hotel and then, the next day, driving me to Dervan and later back to Mumbai.
I was extremely impressed by everything I saw and heard in the hospital, school, museum and shrine. It was my first experience of a Hindu charity hospital. The attitude of the staff as well as their professionalism was outstanding and I was given a friendly welcome by all whom I met. I was able to visit the ICU with Dr Suvarna and to discuss difficult cases of snake bite, scorpion sting and leptospirosis and to see many of the departments. The CME seminar on snake bite was stimulating and, as always, I learned a lot from the participants. High points were visiting the school – the children were marvellous – and the temple-museum complex to learn something about the history of Maratha and the Hindu religion.
Thank you very much for making this all possible.
I have the greatest possible admiration for Dr Suvarna and her staff and I am impressed by your plans for further building on the site (sports complex etc). Warmest congratulations to all concerned!
Best wishes,
David A. Warrell
Dr. Sanjay Deshpande (Anesthetist)
I returned for the eight year to my second home in India. It is a fantastic experience. The hospital is rogressing and doing very well. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to come and work. My team works all year around and we prepare, the time we leave for the next year visit.
My Sincere thanks to all the staff at BKL Walawalkar for their outstanding support and cooperation.
My regards to Shri Kaka Maharaj and staff from the temple.
Lastly I thank Mr Godbole and his team, Shashi and Nandan for their support.
With love
Sanjay Deshpande
Looking forward to see you in 2016.
Shelley Quantrill (operation theatre Nurse)
Thank you so much once again for such a truly amazing week at Walawalkar Hospital. My eighth visit and every year I fall more in love with this place. The honesty, warmth, dedication and commitment of all the staff continues year on year. The impact you have had on the lives of the people in your community is astounding. I am saddened that the week is once again drawing to a close but will return to the UK renewed and refreshed for the year ahead. Keep up all of your good work, I look forward to seeing you all again in 2014.
With love and great respect to you all.
Dr. Lance Cope (Interventional Radiologist)
Thank you everyone at Walawalkar for another amazing, uplifting, stimulating and rewarding week. It is so rewarding to see the tremendous advances made year on year.
The quality of patient care and the number of patients treated is continuously improving. Went on my first visit with the mobile medical team to a village. The villagers have embraced the trust.
We went to the school and asked three children what they wanted to be …….1 doctor + 2 Nurses!