NAAC Cycle 1

NAAC Accreditation Report of the University

Criteria/ Key Indicators File Name Metrix No. Enclosures

Curricular Aspects

1.1 Curricular Planning and Implementation 1.1.1 Minutes of the meeting of the college curriculum committee
Link for any other relevant information
1.1.2 Scanned copy of nomination letter of BoS
Institutional data in prescribed format
Any additional information
1.2 Academic Flexibility 1.2.1 Minutes of relevant academic council
List of interdisciplinary training across all the programme
Link for additional information
Institutional data in prescribed format (data template)
Institutional data in prescribed format (data template)
1.2.2 Link for additional information
Institutional data in prescribed format (data template)
Details of students enrolled in subject related certificate courses
1.3 Curriculum Enrichment 1.3.1 Link for list of courses with their description
Link for any other relevant information
1.3.2 List of value added courses
Links for additional information
Institutional data in prescribed format (Data Template)
Brochure or any other document related to value added courses
1.3.3 Link for additional information
Institutional data in prescribed format
Attendance copy of students enrolled for the courses
1.3.4 Scanned copy of field visit report
Link for scanned copy of internship completion certificate
Link for additional information
Institutional data in prescribed format
Community posting certificate-sample
1.4 Feedback System 1.4.1 Stakeholders feedback report as stated in Minutes of meeting of Curriculum committee
Sample filled in structured feedback
Link for additional information
Institutional data in prescribed format
Any additional information
1.4.2 Stake holder Feedback report
Link for additional information
Institutional data in prescribed format
Any additional information
Action taken report of the institution on feedback report

Teaching- Learning and Evaluation

2.1 Percentage of seats filled for the various programmes as against the approved intake during the last five years 2.1.2 MCI & NMC Approval or Recognition letter Year- wise
MUHS University Affiliation letters
Approved List of students by University Year-wise
Average percentage of students admitted demonstrates a national spread from other states 2.1.3 Details of Student admitted and Explanation for National Spread
2.2 Catering to Student Diversity 2.2.1 Student participation detail
2.2.3 Appropriate documentary evidence Geotagged photographs
2.3 Teaching- Learning Process 2.3.1 Learning environment facilities geotagged photos
2.3.2 Details of workshop
2.3.3 Web page Describing LMS
2.3.4 Approved Mentor list & Allotment orders
Details of issues raised & resolved – Minutes of Mentor mentee
Mentor Mentee Students details
2.3.5 Appropriate documentary evidence
2.4 Teacher Profile and Quality 2.4.2 Details of Ph.D Guides
2.4.4 Details of Development & Delivery of E-Contents, E-courses
2.5 Evaluation Process and Reforms 2.5.1 Dates of conduct of internal assessment examinations
Acadmic calender
2.5.3 Link for information on examination reforms (preclinical & Clinical OSPE/OSCE 2022 details)
Clinical dept OSCE
Part Completion Test 2021-22 Anatomy
2.5.4 Link for additional information (Details of Exams for absent students, Remedial classes for slow, advanced learners, Mentor mentee details)
2.6 Student Performance and Learning Outcome 2.6.1 CO Attainment Report of All Subject
Learning outcomes and graduate attributes
Methods of assessment of learning outcomes and graduate attributes Final
Flow chart of CO
2.6.2 Details of Incremental performance in pass percentage of final year students
Ledger copy of examinations Result
Annual report of examination Result
2.6.3 Link for programme specific learning outcome (Result analysis of all phases)
2.6.4 Proceedings of parent teacher meetings
Followup Reports on Action Taken During PTM
2.7 Student Satisfaction Survey 2.7.1 Database of currently enrolled students

Research, Innovations and Extension

3.1 Resource Mobilization for Research 3.1.3 Link for funding agency website
3.2 Innovation Ecosystem 3.2.1 Link of details of facilities and innovation made
Link for any other relevant information
Total number of workshops /seminars conducted on intellectual property etc. in the last five years. 3.2.2 Details of Workshop & Seminar Conducted
Details of Workshop Certificate
3.3 Research Publications and Awards 3.3.2 Undertaking
3.3.3 Web link in template which redirects to journal web page
3.3.4 Details of Publications, Books, Book Chapters & Journal
3.4 Extension Activities 3.4.1 & 3.4.2 Details extension and outreach activities
3.4.3 Link of  list of awards extension and outreach activities
Link to E copies of award letters
3.4.4 Link for details of institutional social responsibility activities in neighbourhood community
3.5 Collaborative Activities for research 3.5.1 Collaborative activities for research, faculty exchange, student exchange, industry-internship
3.5.2 Weblink

Infrastructure and Learning Resources

4.1 Physical Facilities 4.1.1 Link for list of available teaching-learning facilities such as Classrooms, Laboratories, ICT enabled facilities including Teleconference facilities etc
Link for geotagged photographs
4.1.2 Link for list of available sports and cultural facilities
Link for geotagged photographs
4.1.3 Link for photographs/ Geotagging of Campus facilities
4.2 Clinical, Equipment and Laboratory Learning Resources 4.2.1 Link for the list of facilities available for patient care, teaching-learning and research
Link for the facilities as per the stipulations of the respective Regulatory Bodies with Geotagging
4.2.2 Link to hospital records / Hospital Management Information System
4.2.3 No. of Students Exposed to various labs PG Students Learning Resources
4.3 Library as Learning Resource 4.3.1 Link for geotagged photographs of library facilities
4.3.2 Link for geotagged photographs of library ambiance
Link for data on acquisition of books / journals /Manuscripts / ancient books etc., in the library
4.3.4 Annual expenditure for purchase of books and Journals including e-journal
4.3.5 Link for details of library usage by teachers and students
Link for details of learner sessions / Library user programmes organized
4.3.6 E content repository used by the teachers (Certificates)
4.4 IT Infrastructure 4.4.2 Link for documents related to updation of IT and Wi-Fi facilities
Purchase documents of computers
4.5 Maintenance of Campus Infrastructure 4.5.2 Link for minutes of the meetings of the Maintenance Committee
Link for log book or other records regarding maintenance works
Geotagged Photos Maintenance

Student Support & Progression

5.1 Student Support 5.1.2 Link to institutional website
5.1.3 Link for institutional website
5.1.4 Link for international student cell
5.1.5 Link for additional information
5.2 Student progression 5.2.2 Average percentage of placement in the professional services during last 5 years
5.3 Student participation & activities 5.3.1 Duly certified E – copies of award letters and certificates
5.3.2 Link for reports on the student council activities
Link for any other relevant information
5.4 Alumni Engagement 5.4.1 Certificate & Registration of Alumni Association
Alumni association Minutes of meeting
5.4.2 Alumni association Donation & Registration Form

Governance, Leadership and management

6.1 Institutional Vision and Leadership 6.1.1 Link for Vision and Mission documents approved by the College bodies
Link for achievements which led to Institutional excellence
6.1.2 Link for relevant information / documents
6.2 Strategy Development and Deployment 6.2.1 Link for strategic Plan document(s)
Link for organisational structure
Link for minutes of the College Council/ other relevant bodies for deployment/ deliverables of the strategic plan
6.3 Faculty Empowerment Strategies 6.3.1 Link for policy document on the welfare measures
Link for list of beneficiaries of welfare measures
6.3.3 Link for additional information
Reports of Academic staff training pro.
Copy circular,Feedback & Certificate
6.3.5 Link for performance Appraisal System
6.4 Financial Management and Resource Mobilization 6.4.1 Link for resource mobilization policy document duly approved by College Council/other administrative bodies
Link for procedures for optimal resource utilization
6.4.2 Link for documents pertaining to internal and external audits year-wise
6.4.3 Copy of letter for grants
6.5 Internal Quality Assurance System 6.5.1 Link for the structure and mechanism for Internal Quality Assurance
Link for minutes of the IQAC meetings
6.5.3 Report of the Feedback From the Stakeholders

Institutional Values and Best Practices

7.1 Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities 7.1.2 Specific facilities provided for women in terms of a. Safety and security b. Counselling c. Common Rooms d. Day care centre for young children
Annual gender sensitization action plan
7.1.4 Link for relevant documents like agreements/MoUs with Government and other approved agencies
Link for geotagged photographs of the facilities
Link for any other relevant information
7.1.8 Link for supporting documents on the information provided (as reflected in the administrative and academic activities of the Institution)
7.1.9 Web link of the code of conduct
7.1.10 Link for celebration / organization of national and international commemorative days, events and festivals
7.2 Best Practices 7.2.1 Enclosures – Best Practices – International Collaboration
7.3 Institutional Distinctiveness 7.3.1 Enclosures – Institutional Distinctiveness

Health Science Disciplines

8.1 Medical Part 8.1.2 Link for documents pertaining to quality of careand patient safety practices followed by the teaching hospital
Link for additional informational
8.1.4 Link for Report on the list and steps taken by the College to measure attainment of specific clinical competencies by the MBBS students/interns stated in the undergraduate curriculum during the last five years
Link for additional informational
8.1.5 Link for Report on the teaching sessions on medical, legal, ethical and social issues involved in organ transplantation
Link for National/State level policies on organ transplantation as adopted by the Institution
8.1.6 Link for report on the teaching sessions carried out on the relevance and operational features of the Immunization clinic
Link for report on the functioning of the Immunization Clinic
Link for quality maintenance records in compliance with WHO guidelines during the preceding academic year
8.1.7 Links for Medical graduate attributes as described in the website of the College
8.1.8 Link for Year-wise list of teachers who participated in the seminars /conferences/ workshops on emerging trends in Medical Educational technology organized by the MEU of the College
Link for List of seminars/conferences/workshops on emerging trends in Medical Educational Technology organized by the MEU year wise
8.1.9 Links for e-copies of Certificate/s of Accreditations
8.1.10 Link for additional informational
8.1.11 Link for policy document regarding relevant laws, insurance policies medical indemnity insurance cover for the clinical faculty
Link for the list of clinical faculty covered by medical indemnity insurance policy by the institute
8.1.12 Vaccination Details


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